News from The Academy
The Academy Garden
Here are a few quick tips to help you navigate.
Academy Garden
April 23 Work Day! Join the CP Community Garden team prepare the garden for the vegetables to grow for our community April 29 Dirt Day! The children will fill the classroom raised box gardens with dirt May 6 Planting Day! We will take our...
Dear Parents,
Parenthood, at the core, is about being refined by Christ. It is a process, but thankfully the Lord is patient and gentle with us along the way.
Soul Rest
Too much stuff on the calendar, too much pressure to keep up, too much hustle, not enough living and definitely not enough rest. Sleep deprived and needing Jesus. Can you relate? Here are two realistic ways to fill your soul and find rest daily...
So before the crazy begins, perhaps you need to ask yourself, “What can I say ‘no’ to?” so that you may be whole and healthy enough to enjoy the things and people who matter most. An extra gift exchange? Another holiday party? Your own...
At the beginning of a new year, many people try to declutter their homes and lives by returning to simplicity, but we often overlook the clutter that builds up inside, leaving us weary. Author Emily Freeman encourages her readers to set aside...
Open Enrollment
Enrollment for our new classes that will begin on Monday, July 30, 2018 opens on Monday, March 5, 2018. Below are the classroom openings along with birthdates for those classes. We will enroll on a first come, first serve basis. Beginners...
The Academy
The Academy is a daycare open Monday - Friday from 6:30 am - 6 pm for children ages 2 months to PreK. We utilize faith-based curriculum with teacher driven activities and learn-through-play opportunities. Your child will flourish in our exciting...