Adult Small Group Leader Resources
Welcome to the Small Group Leader Resource Page! This is your first stop in getting up-to-date information for your small group. Please check regularly for your study content, upcoming events
Welcome to the Small Group Leader Resource Page! This is your first stop in getting up-to-date information for your small group. Please check regularly for your study content, upcoming events
Small Group Leader Expectations :
This document details what is expected from you as a leader and what you can expect from our team.
Childcare Policy :
It is the responsibility of each group to secure their own childcare but the church will provide financial support for it. This document details those guidelines.
Childcare Reimbursement Form :
Use this form to submit eligible childcare expenses for your small group.
Small Group Agreement :
This form lays the foundation for your small group's semester. It is highly recommended to go over this document and have your group members sign it together.
Sample Syllabus :
We highly recommend you put something like this together for your group members before the semester starts. It lets them know the specific plan/dates for your group.