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Made for Great

Discover your unique role in God's grand plan for His Kingdom, finding true fulfillment and purpose as part of something greater than yourself.

  • View Message: The Greatness of Prayer | Ron Merrell

    August 29 & September 1, 2024

    Made for Great | Message 5 of 5

  • View Message: Greatness in Eternity | John S. Dickerson

    August 22 & 25, 2024

    Made for Great | Message 4 of 5

  • View Message: Finding Greatness Together | Ron Merrell

    August 15 & 18, 2024

    Made for Great | Message 3 of 5

  • View Message: Greatness in Impossibility | John S. Dickerson

    August 8 & 11, 2024

    Made for Great | Message 2 of 5

  • View Message: Greatness in Adversity | John S. Dickerson

    August 1 & 4, 2024

    Made for Great | Message 1 of 5

  • View Message: What Does A Successful Christian Life Look Like? | Guest Speaker

    July 25 & 28, 2024

    Burning Questions | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: How Do I Handle Relationships With People Who Live Differently Than I Do? | Ron Merrell

    July 18 & 21, 2024

    Burning Questions | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: If God is Good, Why is There Suffering? | Dr. Zach Breitenbach

    July 11 & 14, 2024

    Burning Questions | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Can I Fully Trust the Bible? | Ron Merrell

    July 7, 2024

    Burning Questions | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: Examining Our Words | Steve Reeves

    June 27 & 30, 2024

    Colossians Examined | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: Christ's Pattern for Relationships | John S. Dickerson

    June 20 & 23, 2024

    Colossians Examined | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: Am I Really Saved? | Ron Merrell

    June 6 & 9, 2024

    Colossians Examined | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Jesus Plus Nothing | Ron Merrell

    May 30 & June 2, 2024

    Colossians Examined | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: Give Honor a Try | Ron Merrell

    June 13 & 16, 2024

    Give Honor a Try | Message 1 of 1

  • View Message: Following God's Voice | Trey Shigley

    May 23 & 26, 2024

    Following God's Voice | Message 1 of 1

  • View Message: Prepare to be Satisfied | John S. Dickerson

    May 16 & 19, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 6 of 6

  • View Message: How to Influence Your Loved Ones to Their Best | John S. Dickerson

    May 9 & 12, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 5 of 6

  • View Message: A Fruitful Life | John S. Dickerson

    May 2 & 5, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 4 of 6

  • View Message: Life's Not Fair | John S. Dickerson

    April 25 & 28, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 3 of 6

  • View Message: Enjoy Your Life | John S. Dickerson

    April 18 & 21, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 2 of 6

  • View Message: Living a God Saturated Life | Guest Speaker

    April 11 & 14, 2024

    Satisfied | Message 1 of 6

  • View Message: The Jesus I Never Knew | Ron Merrell

    April 4 & 7, 2024

    Easter with Connection Pointe | Message 2 of 2

  • View Message: What Can You Do with Your Pain? (Easter 2024) | John S. Dickerson

    March 28-31, 2024

    Easter with Connection Pointe | Message 1 of 2

  • View Message: The Need for Rest | Ron Merrell

    March 21 & 24, 2024

    My Deepest Needs | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: Daily Declarations for Your Deepest Needs | John S. Dickerson

    March 14 & 17, 2024

    My Deepest Needs | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: My Much-Needed Identity | Ron Merrell

    March 7 & 10, 2024

    My Deepest Needs | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: The Need for Acceptance | Ron Merrell

    February 29 & March 3, 2024

    My Deepest Needs | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: The Gift of Singleness | Ron Merrell

    February 22 & 25, 2024

    Kings & Queens | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: Why Relationships Are So Difficult | John S. Dickerson

    February 15 & 18, 2024

    Kings & Queens | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: Relationships as Refuge | Ron Merrell

    February 8 & 11, 2024

    Kings & Queens | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Heaven on Earth When it Really Hurts | John S. Dickerson

    February 1 & 4, 2024

    Kings & Queens | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: The God Who Fights for Us | John S. Dickerson

    January 25 & 28, 2024

    Start Fresh | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: The God Who Heals | John S. Dickerson

    January 18 & 21, 2024

    Start Fresh | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: God Sees & Provides | John S. Dickerson

    January 11 & 14, 2024

    Start Fresh | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Starting Fresh Starts With Our Heart | Ron Merrell

    January 4 & 7, 2023

    Start Fresh | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: The Power of Words | Ron Merrell

    December 31, 2023

    The Power of Words | Message 1 of 1

  • View Message: Your Christmas Miracle (Christmas Eve) | John S. Dickerson

    December 21, 23 & 24, 2023

    A Life-Giving Christmas | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: If You Feel Beyond Reach | Ron Merrell

    December 14 & 17, 2023

    A Life-Giving Christmas | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: When Life is Confused or Disturbed | John S. Dickerson

    December 7 & 10, 2023

    A Life-Giving Christmas | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Life in Disappointment and Waiting | John S. Dickerson

    November 30 & December 3, 2023

    A Life-Giving Christmas | Message 1 of 3

  • View Message: Gospel Conversations | Ron Merrell

    November 26, 2023

    Not Beyond Reach | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: The Power of Spiritual Conversations | Ron Merrell

    November 16 & 19, 2023

    Not Beyond Reach | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: Just Get Them to Jesus | John S. Dickerson

    November 9 & 12, 2023

    Not Beyond Reach | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Sharing Jesus with the Young, Deconstructed, and Non-Religious | Guest Speaker

    November 2 & 5, 2023

    Not Beyond Reach | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: Jesus as King | Ron Merrell

    October 26 & 29, 2023

    The Story of the Universe | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: Jesus Through the New Testament | Ron Merrell

    October 19 & 22, 2023

    The Story of the Universe | Message 3 of 4

  • View Message: Jesus in the Old Testament | Ron Merrell

    October 12 & 15, 2023

    The Story of the Universe | Message 2 of 4

  • View Message: Jesus the Creator | John S. Dickerson

    October 5 & 8, 2023

    The Story of the Universe | Message 1 of 4

  • View Message: Foundational Healing for Your Life | John S. Dickerson

    September 28 & October 1, 2023

    The Bright Side | Message 4 of 4

  • View Message: How Identity Shapes Your Life | John S. Dickerson

    September 21 & 24, 2023

    The Bright Side | Message 3 of 4