CP Connect is an experience to help you make the most of what we offer to help you connect with Jesus and others. This is your opportunity to learn more about what we at Connection Pointe believe, what our purpose is and what it means to be a...CP Connect is an experience to help you make the most of what we offer to help you connect with Jesus and others. This is your opportunity to learn more about what we at Connection Pointe believe, what our purpose is and what it means to be a...
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Date Sunday, April 13, 12:30-1:30 pm

Location Connection Pointe Christian Church, 1800 N. Green Street, Brownsburg, IN US 46112

Room B Hallway

Coordinator Gretchen Becker

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CP Connect - Brownsburg

CP Connect is an experience to help you make the most of what we offer to help you connect with Jesus and others. This is your opportunity to learn more about what we at Connection Pointe believe, what our purpose is and what it means to be a part of our church. You will be able to ask questions, build relationships and take next steps in your spiritual walk with God.

For questions or to talk to a pastor, stop by Connection Corner in the lobby any weekend.