Fusion is Indiana's can't miss youth conference for 9th-12th graders! Hosted annually at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, Fusion helps draw high school students closer to a lasting relationship with Jesus through music, teaching...Fusion is Indiana's can't miss youth conference for 9th-12th graders! Hosted annually at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, Fusion helps draw high school students closer to a lasting relationship with Jesus through music, teaching...
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Date Friday, April 4 - Saturday, April 5

Location Indiana Wesleyan University, 4201 S. Washington St., Marion, IN US 46953

Coordinator Students Team

Cost $75.00

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Fusion Conference

Fusion is Indiana's can't miss youth conference for 9th-12th graders! Hosted annually at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, Fusion helps draw high school students closer to a lasting relationship with Jesus through music, teaching, games and more!

Fusion Conference
Who - 9-12 Grade
When - April 4-5
Where - Indiana Wesleyan University
Cost - $75