Ways to Connect

Ways to Connect


The Lighthouse - Special Needs Ministry 

Our special needs ministry supports and encourages kids with special needs to recognize they are known, valued and loved by God and by us. We want every kid to also know that he/she is perfectly made by God and bears His perfect image. We have both an inclusion ministry (buddy program) offered at all services and a special needs classroom, The Lighthouse Small Group, during the 9 and 11 am services. This small group is for kids who are better served in an environment modified to fit their specific needs and is led by highly qualified and trained leaders. 

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Family Dedication

Whether you have a newborn, recently adopted, or have young children, Family Dedication provides an opportunity to commit yourselves as parents to raise your kid(s) to know God’s truths. See below under Upcoming Events for more information.


First Step Kids

If your child is asking questions about faith, baptism or God, First Step Kids is a great place to continue this conversation with them. The class will not only give you a starting point for having a conversation about faith, but also practical activities that you can do together to continue this conversation at home. The class is held once a month and we ask that any child interested in being baptized attend. See below under Upcoming Events for more information.



Interested in serving with kids? Let us know by filling out this form.